3 Ways To Spice Up Your Summer Break
You spent the past month or so working hard to complete your assignments for the semester and wringing your brains dry binge-studying for your exams. So you’ve decided to reward yourself by wallowing in Netflix and sleep, and just avoiding doing anything productive during your long-awaited summer break.
There’s one teeny problem though: after a while, you find yourself getting bored of doing zilch and wasting your life away. Here are three easy-peasy ways we’ve come up with to help make your summer fun and productive at the same time.
You know what they say: travelling is the best way to learn. There are tons of apps out there that can help you search for cheap airfares and places to stay. So grab a few friends or family members and explore the world together. You will get the opportunity to learn about the cultures and lifestyles of people outside your home country and so much more!
If it’s too short of a notice to travel abroad, fret not; you can still hop in a car and go on a road trip to a different state. Every state has its own unique idiosyncrasies, and travelling in your own country is a great baby step to gaining new experiences and exploring new things!

Visit Museums
Museums are one of the best yet often overlooked attractions. Think they’d be boring? Look for a museum with themes that you’re really into and you’ll find so much joy in absorbing the history and knowledge of the displays. In Malaysia alone, other than the more traditional museums such as the National History Museum, you’ll also discover a wide range of museums covering niche and interesting topics, from ethnic heritage to stamps! These include the Batik Painting Museum Penang, Johor Kite Museum, Royal Malaysian Police Museum, Baba Nyonya Heritage Museum, and many more.
Museums are like portals, where you travel through time and space to learn more about the history of humans and the cultures of different people and places. You’ll be inspired and amazed to discover how much things have changed.

Learn New Skills
Have you always wanted to learn how to cook or build your own website? Why not take this time to pursue your interests, be they cooking or coding or anything else that captures your heart? You might not even have to sign up for classes that you have to physically attend. With a whole world of tutorials easily available at your fingertips online, you can always teach yourself new skills in the comfort of your own home.
But don’t stop when your break is over. Take this opportunity to turn your newfound skills into long-term hobbies, and continue exploring them at your own pace. Even if the skills are not within the field of your study, they could potentially be a fun and relaxing pastime, allowing you to diversify your capabilities and experience. Who knows, they might even come in handy in your social or professional life later.

Needless to say, there are millions of other ways for you to enhance your summer break that are just as productive and educational as they are entertaining and fun. So, boys and girls, instead of just vegging out on the couch or in bed while binging on popcorn and Netflix, get up and go do something fun. Not only does this help keep you active, but you might even find yourself so charged up that you’ll have enough brain juice to get you going even when you’re back in school. Try them out and see!