Learning does not only happen within the four walls of a learning institution. It is an ongoing process that occurs wherever one goes. As such, it only makes sense that
the farther you can go, the broader the perspective you will gain. This is especially important in today’s global society.
Bringing the best of Newcastle University, UK, to Malaysian shores, Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia (NUMed) is committed to providing opportunities for students to widen their horizons, beginning from its Foundation programme. This 12-month pre-undergraduate programme is for students intending to pursue medicine, biological or biomedical sciences, or sciences at the undergraduate level. Those who successfully complete this programme as required will be offered a place on either the university’s Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) programme or 2+1 BSc (Honours) Biomedical Sciences programme. Consequently, the university offers opportunities for its degree students to pursue part of their education at the UK campus.
“The university’s vision is to provide globally acclaimed medical programmes that are responsive to the evolving demands of Malaysia’s growing healthcare system,” said Ms Premila Nair, Chief Operating Officer of NUMed.
Equivalent to its UK counterpart, NUMed’s MBBS programme has received approval from the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) and is widely recognised, including by the General Medical Council of the United Kingdom (GMC), Malaysian Medical Council (MMC), Medical Council of Thailand, Maldives Medical and Dental Council, Pakistan Medical Commission, and Mauritius Higher Education Commission.
“While all five years of the programme are delivered in Malaysia, students will have the option of pursuing their clinical learning for up to eight weeks in the UK or other parts of the world during their fourth year, or opting for an extra year in the UK campus for an intercalated research qualification at either Bachelors or Masters level,” added Ms Premila.
On the other hand, the 2+1 BSc (Honours) Biomedical Sciences degree covers a broad range of topics such as biochemistry, genetics, physiology, microbiology, immunology, and pharmacology, with the goal of preparing students to be future-ready biomedical researchers through ample research opportunities in a variety of fields throughout their studies.
According to Dr Roshan Mascarenhas, Associate Professor and Assistant Dean of Biomedical Sciences at NUMed, all Biomedical Sciences students will head to Newcastle University, UK, for their final year, where they have the opportunity to carry out a final year research project as an essential component of their programme.
“Students can collaborate with specialists from other institutions or nations. The majority, if not all, of the grants are of an international scope. This means that research fellows might potentially work with other specialists in Malaysia and throughout the world during their project time, offering possibilities for in-depth learning with these experts,” Dr Roshan added.
Students will also benefit from the university’s vast resources and best practices, including a high-calibre faculty. Newcastle University is a world-leading partnership of research scientists, medical specialists, and teaching professionals, and is a member of the distinguished Russell Group. Hence, students have the opportunity to learn from and be mentored by a highly accomplished and experienced international faculty.
For further details on NUMed’s programmes, email admissions@newcastle.edu.my, call +607-555 3800, WhatsApp +6011-1231 5411/+6012-784 9456 or visit https://www.ncl.ac.uk/numed/.